I’m an artist, zinester, and creator of travelogues.

Tag: north america

  • Las Vegas

    Las Vegas

    Las Vegas has always had a special place in my family. I think Nevada occupies that space for many families in the American Southwest. Disneyland or a theme park is an expensive ordeal that requires planning. Vegas is kind of a place your exhausted parents can get the whole family packed in to the car…

  • Philadelphia

    One of the best things about having a family member an official tour guide is all. the. discounts! She gets comped to go to museums all the time because she brings large groups of students there. So, following her around a new city is a lot of fun. Rusty took us to Philadelphia. We had…

  • Alabama

    I’ve been to Alabama twice. It’s funny because people outside of Alabama are like… why? It’s a humid and strangely beautiful place. But I also feel like an outsider the second I step foot there. I don’t feel like I could ever blend in, no matter how hard I try. But I guess another strange…

  • Texas Coast

    I remember when I met my first college roommate, who is from Houston, and stupidly asked her, “Houston has an airport?” I’m pretty sure she alerted the authorities immediately because I knew an embarrassingly small amount about Texas. Houston is one of the largest cities in the United States. Growing up, I thought Houston was…