March 2017, I had the opportunity to visit two cities in Brazil:
Florianopolis and Rio de Janiero. I have a great uncle that is a retired
ship captain and many second cousins there. My cousins had just opened
up a pizza shop. It was the perfect time of year to visit!

Catarina is a state within Brazil and most of my time was spent there.
One place we visited is called Balneário Camboriú, dubbed “Dubai of
Brazil” because it ritzy and tourism-oriented. We had a blast there
visiting a nature park and riding a cable car.
My great
uncle, which is my grandpa’s brother, is younger by twenty years! It was
a “boy’s trip” for the most part because I went to Brazil with my two
uncles and grandpa. It was fun just being there and seeing a side of my
family that I have never seen. I loved just about everything I ate in
Brazil – my great aunt’s home cooking, churrasuria, pizza from my
cousin’s pizza shop (very different from American pizza) and of course,
drinking caparinha.

visited Rio de Janiero at the end of the trip. We hired a private tour
guide who took us around to some famous places. But on one day, my
uncles and grandpa gave me the reins and I planned an artsy day. They
followed me around as I took them to the Escalara Selaron, Museu de arte
do Rio, and Modern Art Museum.