We had planned a long engagement but with our out-of-state move looming closer, and no end to the pandemic in sight, we decided to have a tiny ceremony. We figured we’d have a larger party later. The most important guests, my grandfather and Uncle Joe, live in California, so it was a good location and time.
In October, we planned to have the ceremony for December, and later decided to do it in March. All the wedding planning took just a few months – ordering the dress, picking the perfect florist, locating the Georgian food lunch of our dreams, and getting everything settled with the rabbi and Jewish ceremony.
We took engagement photos in December, with the same photographer we would end up using for the wedding.

Our wedding announcements were digital, mostly photos used in graphics for the few guests. I am still so happy with the photos. Our photographer, Bay Area-based Tam Duong, was amazing and told us exactly how to pose.