I’m an artist, zinester, and creator of travelogues.

Category: Europe

  • Paris

    I’m currently learning French through Duolingo. It is going surprisingly well. I am catching on and it seems like it’s filling gaps in my brain. I think I see French words, just around, in life, and finding out what they actually mean and how to accurately read them, is helping. I’ve only been to one…

  • Samara

    What is Russia like? It’s difficult to explain to people who have never been to a “second world country.” The West likes to paint Russia as a depraved place but in reality, it’s not that bad. It’s not like the wild wild west. It has nice parts and poor parts. It has problems but also…

  • St. Petersburg

    Have you ever been heartbroken and alone in a city? That’s what St. Petersburg is to me. I went there as a shell of a person. In Russia, I found it easy to just exist and float through life. As a foreigner, you don’t owe anyone anything. So you can check into a hostel, cry…

  • London

    I’ve been to London twice. Once in 2014 and again in 2019. When I visited in 2014, it was at the very beginning of my solo travels. It was my first stop in my 15 months abroad alone. I was only there for twelve hours on a layover to Moscow. I was so scared of…

  • Spain

    Do you have a travel bucket list? I sure do. Here are my top places: Spain Greece/Cyprus Ethiopia All of Northern Europe especially Estonia and Sweden All of Eastern Europe especially Ukraine and Hungary All of South America especially Peru and Argentina All of Central Asia especially Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan I guess every country I…

  • Amsterdam

    Traveling isn’t always glamorous. My friends and I somehow all got diarrhea from the same ice cubes at the most upscale bar in all of Tangier, Morocco. Yes, whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably true, and yes, it’s disgusting. It lasted about five days. I left Morocco and made my way to Amsterdam. I was in…

  • Kazan

    I think the hottest guys in Russia are from Kazan.  Hear me out.  Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan, a semi-autonomous region on the western, European side of Russia. Tatars are a Turkic ethnic group indigenous to that region. There are also about five million ethnically Tatar living in Russia. There also also Crimean Tatar…

  • Ufa

    I spent an entire week in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia. When I told people in Russia I was headed there, the immediate reaction was why? Bashkortostan is a sleepy Muslim republic off of the White River. I was like, why not? I want to get to know every inch of Russia. I rode a thirty hour…

  • Germany

    My family and I traveled to Frankfurt, Berlin, and Munich in 2015. We met friends and visited museums. I kept all notes and paper in a Moleskine notebook. Germany is surprisingly a lot like the US. For some reason I get Philly-vibes there. Maybe the cleanliness, small streets, houses in rows make me think that.…

  • Moscow

    Soviet-era birthday postcards and a matroshka doll from Izmailovsky market in Moscow When I was a freshman in college, I spent a summer studying at International University in Moscow. It was my first time alone abroad and my first time in Russia. I studied Russian in college, a brave and stupid decision that would leave…