Lover of stationery, zines, and all printed matter documenting my adventures in travelogues.

Category: Europe

  • Germany


    My family and I traveled to Frankfurt, Berlin, and Munich in 2015. We met friends and visited museums. I kept all notes and paper in a Moleskine notebook. Germany is surprisingly a lot like the US. For some reason I get Philly-vibes there. Maybe the cleanliness, small streets, houses in rows make me think that.…

  • Moscow


    Soviet-era birthday postcards and a matroshka doll from Izmailovsky market in Moscow When I was a freshman in college, I spent a summer studying at International University in Moscow. It was my first time alone abroad and my first time in Russia. I studied Russian in college, a brave and stupid decision that would leave…

  • Moscow


    Soviet-era birthday postcards and a matroshka doll from Izmailovsky market in Moscow When I was a freshman in college, I spent a summer studying at International University in Moscow. It was my first time alone abroad and my first time in Russia. I studied Russian in college, a brave and stupid decision that would leave…