I’m an artist, zinester, and creator of travelogues.

Tag: Vermont

  • South Hero

    South Hero

    South Hero is the southernmost Champlain island and only a thirty minute drive from my home. Summer weekends are where the Islands really shine, with their farmer’s markets and Vermonters going to their dachas. Except they don’t call them dachas, they call them “camp” and we’ve always been jealous of our friends who go to…

  • Vermont Bookstores

    Vermont Bookstores

    It doesn’t matter where I am, I absolutely love bookstores. It all started when I was little. My mom would let me have my pick of anything at Border’s. As I got older, I loved going to Half Price Books in Austin. I knew that the downtown location had gems in different languages, and the…

  • Smuggler’s Notch

    Smuggler’s Notch

    This winter, I learned to ski. And not only that – I grabbed skiing by the horns. Or the poles. I took three lessons at Bolton Valley, a mountain about 40 minutes from my house. I heard about it from just about everyone living here that was the preferred mountain for locals. I got to…

  • St. Albans

    St. Albans

    Before we even decided to look for a house in Vermont, we came to visit. Casey was working from home so I just took the car and drove around the entire northern portion of the state to see what’s up. I drove all the way up to Swanton, which is the northern most city before…

  • Waterbury


    So if Los Angeles is the Los Angeles of California, I would say that Waterbury is the Los Angeles of Vermont. Waterbury is very fun. On one street alone, there’s Ben and Jerry’s factory, a cidery, cheese factory, distillery, coffee roaster, brewery, state police office, and huge gun outlet. It’s basically the eating capital of…